This is the standalone version of the free eBay Report Card Widget widget.
This version can be hosted and run on your own web hosting account and is highly configurable.
This is ideal for you if you would like to show your buyers the following information without them needing to leave the listing that they are viewing:
- Your eBay feedback score
- The last 5 eBay comments from buyers (only positive comments!)
- Your Detailed Seller Ratings
- Your eBay feedback over the past year
- A custom message to buyers
What is the eBay Report Card Widget?
This widget allows you to show the key facts about your eBay business in your eBay listings using copy and paste code.
A live version of this widget in action is over to the right >>>
The live example is updated every hour with the latest information, you can set yours to every 30 minutes if you like.
Can you imagine what this would look like in your eBay listings?
Buyer’s won’t need to leave and check your feedback on a separate page, it’s right there in front of them and you can personalise it with a custom message to your buyers.
I’ve never seen this created to this depth before and with this stand alone version you have complete control over how the the information is formatted to buyers using a simple to use templating system and special keywords.
Setting Up the Standalone eBay Report Card Widget Video
The best way to show you how easy this is to set up is in a video and while it’s my aim to show you the basics in under 2 minutes.
I also show you the complete templating system and walk you through each setting one by one, so you know exactly what you’re receiving and how powerful it is.
Configuration & Template Options
What is Needed to Run this Widget?
The widget comes with enough CSS to get you started, bespoke styling like in the examples in the beginning require a web designer to create. I can help you as best I can with CSS via the forums here.
If we ignore the obvious, such as you having an eBay store and items being sold on eBay, you will need the following:
- A Web hosting account that supports PHP 5 & Curl
This is almost all web hosts now - Approx 20 minutes to watch the video
You can read the readme file instead if you like - 10 minutes to configure your settings
And you’re off!
Hi Matt,
Thank you for the reply
I can see see that
you have created for the designer version for one of your other customer
Is that possible to get the same please?
Kind regards
Hi Matt,
I have emailed you 2 weeks before
send me the link for designer version of feedback widget, related products & i can see the designer version of dyn category
However i haven’t received any reply
Could you please let me know that to get designer version of feedback widget, related products
Thank you
Kind regards
Hi Kris,
There isn’t a designer version of this one or the related product widgets, only the eBay categories I’m afraid.
Hello Matt,
Is there any restrictions by using this widget?
As you know I’m a designer and I would like to get somekind of designer’s version.
Howdy Arthur,
I don’t have a designers version of this widget available, however… because it’s you and you’ve purchased the other ones, if you’re prepared to wait 2 weeks, I write this for you?
PS. It has to be about two weeks as I’ve just published a book :)
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the reply.
Basically I don’t need the designer’s version if you allow to reuse this script for my client’s.
And what would be the price for the designer’s version?
Howdy Arthur,
I was thinking of a tweak to it so you can run it from one installation rather than multiple ones. This would make it much easier for you longer term.
Ok, thats great. Let me know when you’ll have it.
Will it affect the price?
Hello Matt,
How it’s going?
I would like to buy the widget.
Quick question, I am looking to buy the standalone version of the report card widget, the feedback one and also the related items slider. I really liked the dynamic category widget. on that one you had a two versions I got the designers version. If I buy these can I use them on as many ebay stores as I want or are they limited to just one. Before I buy them I just want to make sure that I can use them on as many ebay stores as possible. thanks.
Hi Jovanny,
You’re welcome to use the related items widget on as many stores that you own because there is no multi-store version. The desigenrs version of the categories is more sensible route for the categories as you can manage as many as you want from that.
Does that make sense?
PS. Just got to your comment, it was buried deep in a load of comments spam.
Hi Matt
Im now using this eBay related gallery. I really like this widget. easy to customize, but the problem is, how can i pull related product per listing. example: if i use this widget to my ad template for bags, all bags will be display on this widget. Please advice!!
Howdy Mark,
We can either set a store category, a keyword or both to bring through the related product and if you would like different related products on different listings, then either or both of these need to be different per listing.
If you’re using an advanced listing tool for eBay that allows you to use keywords, this works best if you set up a field just for the related items keyword(s) and then bring this through into your listing template when the item is listed. If you’re not using any listing software at all, then these would need to be set on each product specifically.
Does that help you?