Question Everything
Who said that there is only one way of doing things?
This has been my wallpaper for several months now, (you can download the full version here). As soon as the computer boots up, I’m presented with this and when the machine shuts down, I’m presented with it again.
As I start and as I finish, but then I’m sure I never really finish as, like you I’m guessing, you’re still processing the events. tasks and thoughts of the day long after you turn the black box off.
There was some “dude” called Einstein, whom I quote:
Definition of ‘Insanity’: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I think he might have been on to something. Today’s outcome was XYZ, what if I we did something slightly different and made ZYX, is it better?
Programmers understand that while ZYX might not have been the logical result that they had planned for, ZYX is actually a result, just not the one that was expected. Thus can be worked on, to obtain the desired result. Knowing and then accepting, really is king, at least you can chose to be ignorant that way.
I’ve got about 30 daft articles in the in pipeline currently, but “Project E” is taking up the majority of my spare time (along with this stunning weather we’re having in the UK). I was aiming for a tweet sized mission statement, but have narrowed it down to less than half of this.
“Project E” is not a new idea by any means, its just never been done ‘properly’ before, not even by the people involved and those who wrote the basis of the majority of “Project E” materials.
I believe I need to start talking to more people about this, may be here in a few days time, its scale is immense and its boundaries are specifically limited for now. Once the end goal is defined and the path to it sketched out, its going to be action, action action.
And finally will allow the differentiation between what I have been lacking in focus here and targeting “Project E” specifically and allowing this site to follow its new path.
Sorry, all a bit deep for a Weds back after a double bank holiday weekend, it’ll make sense this time next week :)
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for the wallpaper. Give me and idea to create iphone wallpaper. :) Cheers from Malaysia
I absolutely agree with this. It’s very easy to get into a routine with just about anything. So question everything you do routinely as you may find there are things you have been doing at work that don’t benefit anyone. Question your thought processes as well. You may find you have the habit of thinking negative thoughts about your abilities in a certain area which, once identified, can be arrested.
The one danger in all of this, though, is that a lot of people aren’t comfortable with things being questioned. As I found out in my last job, to question anything at that company is to invite the anger and put your job at risk.
Howdy Chris,
Sounds like an unpleasant experience, I’m sorry to hear that.
Thanks. Yes. What surprised me is that this occurred at a technology company that supposedly was all about pushing the envelope. It turns out there was a vast difference between their marketing and the reality.
Im going to empathise with you on this Cris, I have also worked in companies where it was too easy for people to say no when you questioned certain things or proposed new ideas. Im still a big believer in it however, and whether through luck or perserverance after a while you do start to get somewhere with your questioning….maybe i am one of the lucky ones :)
Thanks. Yes, I am hopeful that I one day I will find a company that least doesn’t mind people questioning things.
Looking forward to ‘Project E’ Matt, Innovation is the key and pushing boundaries makes the world go round…and its fun too :), il be waiting with baited breath.
Hi Dave,
Yes, should be pretty neat, I know you’ll like it :)