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Gone are the days when full blown press releases are required. Today you can communicate and interact with your customers & clients instantly and ask for their feedback in a much more relaxed and direct environment, known as a ‘blog’.

Why WordPress?

Contrary to popular belief, creating a blog has never been so cheap or easy, however keeping updated is a full time commitment and requires thought and planning to ensure its a well deserved success.

WordPress is the industry standard and it’s Matthew’s personal speciality. Learn how Matthew took this very blog from a +7 second page load time, to just 2.5 seconds on average page load times and still left room for more optimisations to be made.

There are lots of content management systems out there, Drupal, eZ publish, Joomla!, Mambo, Media Wiki (although excellent as a Wiki), Movable Type, Xoops, e107 (although this is brilliant for ‘community’ sites) and simple machines SMF. However Matthew has used WordPress for years, he’s found it to be the best & most versatile blogging & content management system of them all.

Rarely has Matthew needed to employ a ‘developers’ assistance to alter functions to extend WordPress, although will absolutely call upon experts for custom blog designs. Matthew freely admits that he will nearly always use free themes as blog template bases.

A quality platform and a quality host are absolutely required, if you’re new to ‘blogging’, Matthew can help you make the right decisions, by asking the right questions for your business, from his personal experience.

WordPress Multi User – Why Stop at Just One Blog?

When using a fantastic tool such as WordPress, why limit yourself to just one site? Think about it, if you have one blog, to set up another is a fraction of the time & expense and both (and more) could be driving targeted traffic to your eCommerce doors.

With WordPress you can set it up as a network and run an almost unlimited amount of sites from a single back-end administration panel, all with user access rights and simple to use interface.

Matthew’s previous WordPress MU installation carried over 250 sites, this time around he’ll be easily taking this number and smashing it against a wall. This takes time, effort and planning and is still some way from achieving though.

Matthew has worked on a network of sites that were 5 levels wide, on 5 separate C nets to feed targeted traffic into a single companies channels. Optimising content, readership, distribution and leveraging affiliate programs to ironically pay the advertiser to promote their own sites and get paid for their own sales.

End to End Solution

Whether its content creation services you are looking for or full blog management, Matthew and his team can help you achieve your goals. Starting fresh or from an existing platform we’ll be able to help engage with your customers on a new level.

Interested? Get in Touch, Its Free.

Below are some helpful tips for contacting Matthew regarding blog & content management services:

  • If you have a current platform, which is it and how many users do you have?
  • Desired achievements of your companies blog
  • Number of articles to be posted & frequency
  • General topics of articles
  • Desired word counts for the articles
  • Previous example articles that you have created

Quotes are of course free and please provide as much information as you feel is necessary. Or if you’re just plain unsure, ask, Matthew would be glad to assist you.

Contact Matthew Today.