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12 search results for: superdry


Part 4 : SuperDryStore The Wasteful eBay Listings

Following on from the three earlier posts regarding the SuperDryStore on eBay, we have a lot to learn from their eBay listings. Lets dig in and get dirty. I’ve picked the first item I’ve come to which is a bag, you can view this item below: Interestingly this item has picked up 26 sales, […]


Part 3 : SuperDryStore eBay Shop – The Not-So Good Points

Carrying on from where I left off in Part 2 : SuperDryStore eBay Shop – The Good Points, time to get into the not-so-good points. These are in no order of importance I hasten to add, they all need consideration though: SuperDry – eBay Outlet? If this is the fastest moving account of eBay’s and thier […]


Part 2 : SuperDryStore eBay Shop – The Good Points

Lets start by looking at SuperDryStore ebay shop, you can view it here: There are definitely some great points to be noted and also some silly mistakes. I’m looking forward to explaining these to you in the next few paragraphs. Here is a full screen shot of the SuperDryStore eBay shop: The Good Points Lets start with these, […]


ChannelAdvisor Powers 25% of eBay UK Fashion Outlets

I’m working on an article relating to competitive advantage for businesses through software usage and I’ve just stopped to share with an interesting observation. Using the official eBay Outlets list here,  it turns out that 8 of the 31 listed are powered by ChannelAdvisor, that’s a clear 25% (and not the result I expected). Here is the run down […]


The Top 5 Must-Haves for the Killer eBay Listing

In the next few minutes, we’ll be looking at what I currently class as the top 5 must haves for any serious eBay seller to be including in their eBay listings. Some of these you might feel as being obvious, like titles, but dig deeper and there is a fresh look on them. #1 A Fantastic Title […]


How To: Knowing the 10 eBay Shop/Store Design Mistakes

Oh how these drive me nuts, please, please do not make the same mistakes. We can’t blame the shop owners featured in this article, they just don’t know better. You however cannot use this excuse after reading this article though! Top 10 eBay Shop Mistakes Here are top ten common mistakes sellers make when designing […]


OK, I’ll Leave ToysRus on eBay Alone. Well May be…

This is quite an old article now. I have considered removing it and I have edited it slightly since. However I decided that it would be better to leave this and the other articles on the site, as with anything, experience is only learnt through fire, this was one of those times where I could have done […]